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Discover the Power of DMK Skincare Therapy for Your Skin

DMK Skincare

At Bella Noor Skincare NYC, we’re dedicated to providing our clients with the highest quality skincare services. We believe that self-care is essential, and we’re here to help you achieve a healthy, beautiful complexion that you’ll love.

We specialize in HydraFacial treatments, which are customized to your unique needs, using only the finest products to ensure noticeable results after just one visit. Our expert team of skincare professionals is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality services that are tailored to meet your unique needs. In addition to HydraFacial, we offer a range of other customized skincare treatments, including dermaplaning, DMK Enzyme Therapy, and microneedling.

Our DMK Skincare Therapy treatments are particularly popular, as they utilize transfer messenger enzymes to hydrolyze dead cell material from the skin tissues, detoxify the skin of impurities, and lift and tighten it for a firmer, more youthful appearance. Our estheticians are experts in this innovative treatment, and they will work with you to create a customized treatment plan that meets your unique needs and concerns.

At Bella Noor Skincare NYC, we use only the finest products and techniques to ensure that you see noticeable results after just one visit. Our goal is to help you achieve a healthy, beautiful complexion that you’ll love, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Book your appointment today and discover the difference that Bella Noor Skincare can make for you.

Why DMK Skincare Treatments Work

DMK Skincare Therapy is a powerful and effective method for rejuvenating and restoring your skin. At Bella Noor Skincare, we specialize in DMK Skincare Therapy, which is designed to hydrolyze dead cell material from the skin tissues, detoxify the skin of impurities, and lift and tighten it for a firmer, more youthful, and glowing appearance.

Our enzyme masques are formulated to remove impurities from the skin cells by a process known as reverse osmosis, leaving your skin looking and feeling its best. This innovative treatment is capable of tightening the skin progressively, improving its structural integrity, and creating a healthy environment for cells to thrive in.

The DMK Skincare Treatment is particularly effective at hydrolyzing dead cell material from the skin tissues, detoxifying the skin of impurities, and lifting and tightening it for a firmer, more youthful appearance. Our estheticians are experts in this treatment, and they will work with you to create a customized treatment plan that meets your unique needs and concerns.

At Bella Noor Skincare, we use only the finest products and techniques to ensure that you see noticeable results after just one visit. Our goal is to help you achieve a healthy, beautiful complexion that you’ll love, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Book your appointment today and discover the transformative power of DMK Enzyme Therapy for yourself!


What is Reverse Osmosis?

How DMK Skincare Therapy Works

DMK Skincare Therapy treatments work on three important systems of the body: the facial muscles, the blood vessels of the skin, and the lymphatic system.

By using transfer messenger enzymes, DMK Enzyme Therapy is able to hydrolyze dead cell material from the skin tissues, detoxify the skin of impurities, and lift and tighten it for a firmer, more youthful, and glowing appearance. The treatment also works to strengthen the structural integrity of the skin and create a healthy environment for cells to thrive in.

The enzymes in DMK Enzyme Therapy act on the facial muscles by stimulating them and promoting blood flow to the area. This increased blood flow can help to nourish the skin cells and improve their overall health.

The treatment also works to improve the blood vessels of the skin, which can become damaged over time due to sun exposure, environmental factors, and other factors. DMK Enzyme Therapy can help to repair these blood vessels and improve the overall health and appearance of the skin.

Finally, DMK Enzyme Therapy works to stimulate the lymphatic system, which is responsible for removing waste and toxins from the body. By promoting lymphatic drainage, DMK Enzyme Therapy can help to detoxify the skin and leave it looking and feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

At Bella Noor Skincare, we specialize in DMK Enzyme Therapy and offer customized treatment plans to meet your unique needs and concerns. Book your appointment today and experience the transformative power of DMK Enzyme Therapy for yourself!

The Facial Muscles

DMK Enzyme Therapy treatments are designed to stimulate the facial muscles, which can become weaker over time due to age, environmental factors, and other factors. By using transfer messenger enzymes, DMK Enzyme Therapy is able to strengthen the facial muscles, providing a more youthful and toned appearance.

The tightening action of the enzyme treatment has the effect of exercising the facial muscles without having to physically exercise them yourself. This tones and tightens the facial muscles, resulting in firmer, smoother, and tighter skin.

DMK Enzyme Therapy works because it emulates the way your skin works naturally, using enzymes to promote healthy cell function and remove impurities. This natural and painless treatment can effectively eliminate a wide range of skin concerns, leaving your skin looking and feeling its best.

At Bella Noor Skincare, we specialize in DMK Enzyme Therapy and offer customized treatment plans to meet your unique needs and concerns. Our estheticians are experts in this innovative treatment, and they will work with you to create a customized treatment plan that meets your unique needs and concerns.

Book your appointment today and experience the transformative power of DMK Enzyme Therapy for yourself!

The Blood Vessels of Your Skin

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Healthy, properly functioning blood vessels are essential for maintaining healthy skin. DMK Enzyme Therapy treatments work on the blood vessels of the skin, which can become damaged over time due to sun exposure, environmental factors, and other factors.

By using transfer messenger enzymes, DMK Enzyme Therapy is able to cause the blood vessels to become dilated, which allows a greater supply of oxygen-rich blood to flow to the skin cells. This increased blood flow can help to nourish the skin cells and improve their overall health.

The back-flushing action of the Enzyme treatments removes impurities and stimulates the lymphatic system, which is responsible for removing waste and toxins from the body. By promoting lymphatic drainage, DMK Enzyme Therapy can help to detoxify the skin and leave it looking and feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

At Bella Noor Skincare, we specialize in DMK Enzyme Therapy and offer customized treatment plans to meet your unique needs and concerns. Our estheticians are experts in this innovative treatment, and they will work with you to create a customized treatment plan that meets your unique needs and concerns.

Book your appointment today and experience the transformative power of DMK Enzyme Therapy for yourself!

The Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system plays an important role in maintaining healthy skin. It is the filtering system for the blood and consists of a network of lymph nodes, lymph, and lymph vessels found throughout the body, including the face and neck.

DMK Enzyme Therapy treatments act on the lymph nodes by using special formulated enzymes to encourage a drainage effect. The lymph drainage action is felt by the client as the tightening and pulsating of the enzyme masque. As the blood vessels and lymph nodes respond to the actions induced by the enzyme treatment, a peculiar effect is produced. This is known as the Plasmatic Effect.

The Plasmatic Effect is a temporary reddening of the skin caused by increased blood flow and lymphatic drainage. This effect indicates that the treatment is working and that the skin is being detoxified and rejuvenated.

At Bella Noor Skincare, we specialize in DMK Enzyme Therapy and offer customized treatment plans to meet your unique needs and concerns. Our estheticians are experts in this innovative treatment, and they will work with you to create a customized treatment plan that meets your unique needs and concerns.

Book your appointment today and experience the transformative power of DMK Enzyme Therapy for yourself!

What Is Muscle Banding?

DMK Enzyme Therapy offers a unique treatment called MUSCLE BANDING, which is designed to physically stimulate and strengthen the muscles of the face and neck without the physical effort required by traditional exercise programs.

The term “banding” refers to the technique used during the application of the DMK Enzyme Masque, which is designed to act directly upon the muscles of the face and neck. By using transfer messenger enzymes, DMK Enzyme Therapy is able to provide a highly effective age management treatment that is natural, non-invasive, and pain-free.

The MUSCLE BANDING Treatment is an age management program designed to slow the process of ageing and loss of function that occurs with age. This treatment is suitable for both men and women who want to lift, firm, and restore optimal skin functioning.

The treatment instantly lifts and firms the skin and helps to retrain the muscles to create lifting and firming. Just like going to the gym, repeated treatments will produce optimal results. The more treatments you have, the better the results, as the muscles have a memory and respond more quickly to regular treatments.

At Bella Noor Skincare, we specialize in DMK Enzyme Therapy and offer customized treatment plans to meet your unique needs and concerns. Our estheticians are experts in this innovative treatment, and they will work with you to create a customized treatment plan that meets your unique needs and concerns.

Book your appointment today and experience the transformative power of DMK Enzyme Therapy for yourself!


Your face and neck contain many muscles that control the movement of your head, jaw, and mouth. Like other muscles in the body, they can weaken with age and lack of exercise, leading to sagging skin and loss of firmness.

DMK Enzyme Therapy’s MUSCLE BANDING treatment works by using enzymes in the masque to send signals to contract the muscles of the face and neck, similar to lifting weights at the gym to strengthen and tone muscles in the body. This contraction increases blood circulation and builds stronger, firmer muscle tissue, resulting in tighter, firmer skin and a healthy, glowing complexion without sagging jowls.

The MUSCLE BANDING treatment targets the 57 muscles in the face and the large Platysma Muscle in the neck to strengthen and tighten them. This results in reduced wrinkles, creases, and fine lines, leaving behind a smoother texture.

Ageing is the result of a loss of function in the skin’s natural processes. DMK Enzyme Therapy’s MUSCLE BANDING Treatment stimulates the skin to restore these natural processes and functions, helping the skin to do what it’s meant to do in a natural way.

At Bella Noor Skincare, we specialize in DMK Enzyme Therapy and offer customized treatment plans to meet your unique needs and concerns. Our estheticians are experts in this innovative treatment, and they will work with you to create a customized treatment plan that meets your unique needs and concerns.

Book your appointment today and experience the transformative power of DMK Enzyme Therapy for yourself!

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